Todd Crossett

Todd Crossett
County Commissioner - District 1

Age: 41

City of residence: Cocolalla

Years of residence in Bonner County and Idaho: We moved back to Bonner County 4 years ago after living in Alaska and overseas. However, we have been around Bonner County most of our lives.

My great-grandparents came to Dover in the 1920s and founded the Williams Brothers seed potato farm. My family has been here ever since. My mother was born here, but I grew up near the farming community of Freeman, WA – just across the state line from Plummer. I have spent much of my childhood and adult life in Bonner County and have always considered it home.

My wife, Debbie Fields Crossett, grew up in Cocolalla and played state championship volleyball at Sandpoint High. After college, she taught school and coached here – like her parents. She now practices massage therapy.

Marital status/family: Married to Deborah Fields Crossett, 9 years; two children - Story, 6, and Sandra, 8

Contact information:



Recent or pertinent employment history:

Public offices held: This is my first campaign for public office.

Nonprofit groups or service organizations to which candidate belongs:

Relevant experience:

Why are you running for public office?

I believe our county is at a crossroads. We face many critical decisions that will determine the very nature of our community. I don’t want to see us go the way of Vail and Aspen, where the regular people get shoved out of their own community.

I think it’s time for the people of Bonner County to take charge of their own future and to shape a future we want, not just one that happens to us. And I think we need to be thinking about the Bonner County we are leaving for our children and future generations.

I believe I have the skills to make a difference, and I want to join with my community in doing my part.

If you are elected, how much time will you spend each week in the office?

I will treat the Commissioner’s post as the full time job it is. However, I do not intend to spend the next two years just sitting behind my desk or punching a clock. I think we need to do a better job of getting out into the county and working with our constituents, and I think that includes showing up where and when people are available – not just in the courthouse or during working hours. My focus will be on doing the job, not just putting in my time.

Describe the top three to five issues you believe are most important, why you consider them most important, and your position on these issues.

  1. Open, accountable government that works for all of Bonner County. We need:
  2. Planning for sustainability and protection of individual rights. We need:
  3. Control the mil rate to reign in property taxes. We need:
  4. Broader community engagement. We need:
  5. Build opportunity while preserving lifestyle. We need:

What differentiates you from other candidates? Why should people vote for you?

I know how to listen and bridge differences. I am motivated by character, ideas and community spirit, not influence, ideology or partisanship. I do not represent any one group of people or political agenda.

As a commissioner, I will work to re-engage our community, to foster and implement thoughtful solutions, and to be mindful of serving all of Bonner County – both those of us here now and those generations still to come.