Dream Fragment 19

The following poems were composed by Lawrence E. Keith of Hope, Idaho. These and other fine poems may be read in his book, Dream Fragment 19.

Dream Fragment 5

Smartly dressed in red and black
The ants climb the green stalks
Slowly circling and circling
To coax a tightly wrapped bud
Open for the hidden pink
Gift of a peony sun
Rising over the green mountain
Of my flowering mind

Unsung May

Inside the morning rain
The summer heat of May
Departs on the wind
Whipped white capped lake. Hail

Dancing to thunder, falls
Through the sky cracking
Lightning striking afternoon
To scatter fragile petals
Over white grass. Gree stems

Nakedly stand alone
While the cold quiet night
Grows in star dark dampness
And we await the return
Of the cricket's song

Early August

The morning garden chatter spoke
Of the ripening chokocherries:
In a week the firm green berries
Have become a plump burgundy.
Soon after the fledglings have flown
The annual gathering begins
With errant flights of drunkenness;
Ending in somber discussions
Of migratory timeliness.

Born late, the young, quickly aging
Summer heat can already hear
Autumn softly knocking at its door.
Each day green leaves show more yellow
On their journey to red then brown,
And the chill felt evening breezes
Remind my lazy August dreams
That the soon to be falling leaves
Will be followed by drifting snow

Entire contents COPYRIGHT 1995 by Larry Keith. Excerpted from his book of verse, Dream Fragment 19. For information about ordering Dream Fragment 19, call 1-800-880-3573.

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