
Featured Properties
Sandpoint, Idaho, and North Idaho real estate, houses and property of note

Put your featured property here
There's are currently no featured properties available. To see properties that are FOR SALE BY OWNER go to the Sandpoint FSBO listings.


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Sellers, get a Featured Properties listing
Realtors or sellers who want to draw extra attention to their properties are invited to add their listings to the Featured Properties page in the Sandpoint Real Estate Guide! A listing in the guide with a customized page for your property of up to 400 words and a photo costs only $45 to set up then $10 a month billed in three-month increments. If your property is in the MLS and you want only the listing with a link off to your own page of information, cost is $15 setup and then $10 a month. For information, e-mail us, or call our office at 208-263-3573.

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