Joyce Broadsword

Joyce Broadsword
Legislative District 2 - Senator, incumbent
Age: 48
City of residence: Sagle
Years of residence in Bonner County and Idaho: 48
Marital status/family: Married to John Broadsword, 3 grown sons, 3 grandchildren
Contact information:
Education: Graduate Sandpoint Senior High 1976
Recent or pertinent employment history:
- Co-Owner Northern Log Homes
- Owner Courier Service for Pathology Associates Medical Laboratories
- Co-owner NLH Development
Public offices held: Senate seat District 2 since 2004 election
Relevant professional affiliations:
- Idaho Women in Timber (past president, current board member, chapter treasurer)
- Federated Women in Timber
- Historic Wallace Chamber of Commerce
- Member Advisory Board for State Hospital North and Idaho Rural Partnership
- Member Western Legislative Forestry Task Force
- State affiliate for Women in Government
Nonprofit groups or service organizations to which candidate belongs:
- Sandpoint Rotary
- Historic Wallace Chamber of Commerce
- Greater Sandpoint Chamber of Commerce
Relevant experience you wish to include or mention:
- Vice Chairman of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee
- Member of Senate Commerce and Human Resources Committee
- Member Agricultural Affairs Committee
Why are you running for public office?
Serving the people of northern Idaho has been a wonderful experience. I have enjoyed working with local elected officials as well as the public to find solutions to the unique problems faced by District 2. There is no better feeling than the one you get by helping others. I have been a volunteer for decades and this is just one more way I can give back to the people of this beautiful state.
If you are elected, how much time will you spend each week in the office?
I don't have an "office" in the normal sense, but I have spent and will continue to spend an average of 30 hours per week on senate business. I routinely give out my cell number should a constituent need to reach me when I am not at home.
Describe the top three to five issues you believe are most important, why you consider them most important, and your position on these issues.
- Property Taxes - removing the Maintenance and Operations of our public schools was a part of the needed changes to the state tax system, but not the only one. Raising the homeowner's exemption and tying it to the housing price index so that it will continue to rise was also a piece of the puzzle. There is more yet to accomplish. I am committed to seeing an increase in the grocery tax credit so that the sales tax increase won't be a burden to our citizens. I am also willing to co-sponsor a bill similar to the one I co-sponsored last year that would use an exemption to freeze property values, add a small maximum growth factor and allow for reassessment when the property changes hands. I was also a co-sponsor of a bill that would require all exemptions to be looked at and reevaluated on a regular basis. That bill didn't get out of committee, but it is in my opinion still needed and will be pursued again next session.
- Economic Development - Finding ways to keep our base of employers and adding new employers to our area continues to be extremely important to me. Our natural resource industries have always been incredibly important to my district and I will continue to work for equitable footing so that they may continue to be a viable part of our employment base. The sweeping growth northern Idaho has been experiencing brings with it unique issues. We as a region need to continue to work to be sure that that growth pays for itself and is not a burden to long time residents.
- Infrastructure needs - many of the sewer and water systems in District 2 are antiquated and in desperate need of updating. I have worked hard to find alternative funding and will continue to pursue avenues to assist our local communities with their needs. Our state highway system is also in need of repair and upgrading. I worked hard to secure funding for our highways and was successful in getting over $80 million dollars worth of GARVEE funding for District 2. There are still numerable projects in need of funding and I am working with other legislators and state agencies to address those needs.
- Superfund Issues - District 2 has one of the states largest Superfund sites. There are issues with the designation and the continued cleanup that require constant vigil. I have worked with the citizen's of the Silver Valley and with DEQ to address some of the problems, but there are added expenses for any project in a Superfund site and I am working to find a way to give added weight to grant applications for projects in the Superfund area. There are added costs related to cleanup and remediation and this needs to be taken into account when the applications are compared.
What differentiates you from other candidates? Why should people vote for you?
I have the experience and commitment to do the job. I have shown that I am dedicated to the constituents of my district and work diligently to address their needs and concerns. I have been accessible, answering all letters, emails, calls and faxes I receive in a timely manner. My good working relationship with the leadership in the legislature, our federal delegation and with the state's constitutional officers gives me the opportunity to accomplish much for the folks of my district.