Rand C. Lewis

Rand C. Lewis
Candidate for:
Legislative District 2 - Senator

Age: 60
City of residence: Worley
Years of residence in Idaho: 60
Marital status/family: Married with 7 children, 7 grandchildren
Contact information:
    [email protected]; 208-686-1518
Education: Ph.D., University of Idaho

Recent or pertinent employment history

Public offices held:

Relevant professional affiliations:
General Associate - Appraisal Institute, University of Idaho Alumni Board of Directors, International Homeland Security Institute Board of Directors (Washington, D.C.)

Relevant experience you wish to include or mention:
Military Leader, Educator, Small Businessman

Why are you running for public office?
Utilize my years of experience in leadership and negotiations for my fellow Idahoans.

If you are elected, how much time will you spend each week in the office?
Whatever is necessary to provide for the needs of my constituency.

Describe the top three to five issues you believe are most important, why you consider them most important, and your position on these issues.

  1. State Economy: Ensure that the quality of life for Idahoans is maintained by working to bring business into Idaho that provides good wages.
  2. Transportation: Work to ensure that our roadway infrastructure and transportation capabilities best support our state.
  3. Education: Continue to support a strong public education system that gives our young people the preparation for their futures.
  4. Health Care: Work with others across the state to ensure adequate and available health care and to devise ways to make it affordable.
  5. Help small businesses to continue to provide services to Idahoans without undue burdens.

What differentiates you from other candidates? Why should people vote for you?
Leadership and years of solving complex issues. Idaho will need strong leadership over the next few years to ensure that our citizens are obtaining the best solutions to the many issues that are associated with a more complex world.