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Wednesday, November 16, 2005


An interview with Sullivan

Post by MG, freelance writer

Up to the site today to do an interview. Talked to someone in California who gave me some names of people to talk to in order to get my press-pass, etc. Of course, when I got there nobody knew any of the names I was tossing out.

For a while I ran around, took some photos and tried to listen to what people had to say. There is siding on most of the house, they're laying some of the flooring and finishing up some roofing. They've also got some sort of secret project going on to the side of the house - you can't really see it from the spectators' area, but I was able to poke around a bit and you could see something going on out back.

Called my contact lady and left a message for her that I couldn't get ahold of anyone, so I guess she got ahold of them for me. As I was standing up by the bus area, feeling a little let down, I got a call from Sarah Taylor who just happened to be about 20 feet away. We waved as we both noticed that we were talking to each other on our cell phones.

So she took me back, got a press pass and then set me with Mark to talk a little about what's going on. Mark works for Sullivan Homes and spoke with very high regard of his employer and of EMHE. "When we first got the call, we were all excited to be a part of this," he said, though of course "we worried about whether or not we could do it, but we're the 53rd build for Extreme Makeover, and if the other 52 could do it, we were sure that we could."

He wanted to put out a big thanks to all of the volunteers and businesses that have made it all possible. From the workers that are in there building, to the restaurants that have donated food, construction materials, etc. There seems to have been no problems getting people to put their heart and their pocketbook out for this cause.

It was verified that Ty and them are gone in Seattle. The reveal is set for today for that one though, so they should be back and on our site again soon.

Also, a big note: has a spot where you can donate to the two kids' college funds. They want to make sure these kids are taken care of. A house is a house, and that is something special - but Sullivan Homes would like to make sure that the children are set up for after they leave this home. Any donations, large and small are wonderful.

Looks like this is going to be another long one... sorry :) There is too much that has gone on since my last post.

Ed Sanders was on site today. He did take the time to come over and talk to the people, only to give a short talk and let them know that as soon as it wasn't so hectic that he would be back to talk and meet and sign autographs. Nobody seemed to care too much as almost everyone there said if he would just keep talking they would be happy. Ed is originally from England and has a wonderful accent.

Found out that the reason they were running behind in the beginning was because of the filming of the "Braveheart" scene. This is the well-known march that the contractors, volunteers, etc. make up to the worksite - and a few takes of this put them hours behind schedule.

I may have some more information later tonight. I've been given an assignment for tomorrow to speak with 10 people and get their take on this project - so there's definitly more to come.

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