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Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Knocking hard hats

Post by MG, freelance writer
Just a quick update. Went back up to the worksite again last night about 7 p.m., figured I would get one last glimpse of it before the day was over for spectators. Not very many people up here watching anymore. It's cold! I rode up on the volunteer bus and the place was just lit up. It was an awesome thing to see as you're driving up Baldy.

Snuck around a little. There's a bit more freedom it seems at night-time. People are more laid back after a long days work. Got to see the plans for the house *Oh My God* It's awesome. Looks like they're still a little behind on things, but I'm sure that will change within the next few days - or at least we'll hope so. Don't think I was really supposed to be back where I was, but you could definatly see things better - and they have heaters :)

They're building the roof up - getting all the pieces ready so that once they have a base for it all they can just start throwing it up. Once that concrete dries it's a pretty quick process it seems. I don't know what other parts of the house they've already started work on.

Everyone seems to be in a good mood. Guys are running around yelling and literally knocking hard-hats together. Hopefully it will stay like that for the duration - I'm sure there are going to be times when it's hectic.

That's all for now - will write more later. Hopefully will get a chance to go up this afternoon.

So has Ty shown up?

I've heard he's kind of full of himself, what do you think?
I don't think that he is too full of himself. I know that he has been busy, running around - I've got it on pretty good authority that he's been really busy with another house going up in the Seattle Area. He's been very friendly the few times that he was seen - the only thing that some people were upset about is that he didn't come over and do autographs and such when Paige and Michael came out. Although I have seen a few people that have had their shirts signed by him - the volunteer workers. I'm hoping that he'll be back by Thursday at Midnight so that I might be able to get him to autograph something of mine :)
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