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Recreation in Sandpoint, Idaho
Whats to do in Sandpoint? Lots to do in Sandpoint! Use our recreation guide to find the best outdoor information, destinations, trails and more.
Get up-to-the minute weather, find historical records, see current streamflows, lake levels, snow reports and National Forest reports.
Our exclusive guide to the history, the towns, the places to swim, boat, sail, fish, hike around and enjoy our big, beautiful lake.
There are scores of amazing waterfalls in the mountains surrounding Sandpoint. Here's a guide to eight beauties that are most easily accessible.
There are six fine golf courses in Bonner and Boundary counties including three 18-hole courses, The Idaho Club, Priest Lake and Stoneridge.
There are tons of trails in our state and national forests. Here are trail resources along with maps and details for five great trails near Sandpoint.
The complete list of public campgrounds, recreation sites and lookout towers on state and federal lands in the two northernmost Idaho counties.
Winter creates a whole new playground in our mountains. Find places for downhill and cross-country skiing, snowboarding, skating, sledding and more.
How to find other fun things to do, including horseback rides, wildlife refuges, tennis courts, rail fan viewing and more.
Dedicated to the Great Indoors, this guide provides an overview of the performing, musical, literary, cinematic and visual arts in Sandpoint.