Community Resource Envision Center 231 N. 3rd Street P.O Box 2522, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 The CREC, by phone or in person, helps people in need find essential social services in Bonner and Boundary counties. Their website lists more than 350 state and local resources. Click, or call them for help.
88.5 KRFY Panhandle Community Radio 110 Main Street, Ste. 214, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 KRFY 88.5 FM is non-commercial member-supported radio with music, news and educational programs, provided by the nonprofit Panhandle Community Radio. Tune in or click to our website to hear live streaming radio.
Al-anon and Alateen Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 AL-ANON (and ALATEEN for younger members) offers a self-help recovery program for families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic seeks help. We meet several times weekly.
Angels Over Sandpoint P O Box 2369, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 The Angels Over Sandpoint is a non-profit (501c3) organization that helps
needy Bonner County individuals. The Angels provide backpacks and school
supplies to over 800 children annually. Other events include The Follies (a
racy live variety show), Spring Mud Fling Dance, and the New Year's Eve
Dance and Auction (because raising money should be fun!).
Better Together Animal Alliance 870 Kootenai Cutoff Road, Ponderay, Idaho 83852 Formerly the Panhandle Animal Shelter. BTAA provides services for lost, abandoned, neglected and abused pets, and adoption of wonderful dogs and cats to qualified new homes.
Bonner Community Food Center 921 N. Fifth Avenue, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Bonner Community Food Center operates strictly on donations and grants, providing food to 3,000 people a month. The center is also the local representative for the Salvation Army.
Bonner County Human Rights Task Force P.O. Box 1463, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Active in the community since 1992, the Task Force works to promote tolerance, support human dignity and educate adults and youth across the county.
Bonner General Health Auxiliary 520 North Third, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 The Auxiliary provides assistance to the Bonner General Hospital and the patients it serves. A variety of rewarding opportunities are available for teens, men and women.
Bonner Gospel Mission 455 Triangle Drive, Ponderay, Idaho 83852 A shelter home for men in need, providing the gospel message.
Bonner Partners in Care Clinic 1020 Michigan Street, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Volunteer group of doctors, practitioners and others providing health care to residents who have no medical insurance and meet eligibility criteria. Clinics held every Tuesday and Thursday. Click our website to learn more.
Community Assistance League P.O. Box 1361, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 A non-profit organization with the goal of providing a positive and supportive impact on our community through volunteerism, scholarships and grants. CAL is open to anyone interested in joining. Visit Bizarre Bazaar.
Community Cancer Services of Sandpoint 1215 Michigan Street, Suite B, Sandpoint, Idaho A non-profit, community-funded cancer resource center with programs designed to help improve the many financial, physical, and social effects of cancer. CCS also supports cancer prevention and education projects.
Elk‘s Lodge of Sandpoint 78 McNearney Road, Ponderay, Idaho 83852 Elks Lodge #1376 is home to Sandpoint community members who invest their time and resources in programs to help children grow up healthy and drug-free, meet the needs of today's veterans, and improve our quality of life.
Hope Memorial Community Center 415 Wellington Place, Hope, Idaho 83836 A non-profit organization that is committed to delivering enjoyable, meaningful programs and services to all residents on the eastern shore of Lake Pend Oreille and beyond. We offer preschool, a Christmas Giving Program, scholarships, and much more.
Idaho Master Naturalists - Pend Oreille Chapter Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 A statewide group of well-informed volunteers actively working toward stewardship of Idaho’s natural environment.
Idaho Panhandle Habitat for Humanity Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Bringing the community together to build decent, affordable housing for families in need.
Kinderhaven Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 This shelter for abused, troubled children provides a safe place for high-risk children and teen-age girls. Building awareness and action in the community on behalf of many children, youth and families in need.
Masonic Lodge of Sandpoint 319 N. Second Avenue, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Lakeside Lodge #42 in Sandpoint is chartered through the Grand Lodge of Idaho, sharing the goals of Freemasons to better self, community and the world.
Panhandle Alliance for Education Po Box 1675, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Community-based nonprofit group dedicated to excellence in education and school management in Lake Pend Oreille School District. We raise money for an endowment fund and for annual grants to teachers for innovative classroom projects.
Panhandle Special Needs 1424 N. Boyer Avenue, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 For over 40 years, PSNI has dedicated its resources to developing opportunities for people with disabilities living in Bonner and Boundary counties.
Pend Oreille Arts Council 313 N. Second Avenue, Ste B, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 POAC facilitates and presents high-quality performing and visual arts for the people of northern Idaho. POAC annually brings music, dance and performance artists to Sandpoint, numerous art shows, provides youth art events and the annual ArtWalk and Arts & Crafts Fair.
READY! for Kindergarten PO Box 1675, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 FREE classes for parents of children from birth to age five living within LPOSD. Learn how to help your young child gain the skills needed to succeed in school. Check website for information on registering for fall, winter and spring classes.
Rock Creek Alliance Sandpoint, Idaho Established in 1996, Rock Creek Alliance is a small, nonprofit organization that works to protect the water quality of the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille Watershed and the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness Area from the proposed Rock Creek Mine.
Rotary Club Of Ponderay PO Box 813, Ponderay, Idaho 83852 We meet Tuesday mornings at 7:00 am at the Tango Cafe for a breakfast meeting with the exception of the 1st Tuesday of every month, which is an evening meeting at 5:30 pm at various locations. See webpage or our Facebook page for details.
Rotary Club of Sandpoint Sandpoint, Idaho Sandpoint chapter of Rotary International, striving to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise. Click our website link to learn more.
Sandpoint Eagles 589 1511 John Hudon Lane , Sandpoint, Idaho A non-profit fraternal organization proudly serving our surrounding communities for over 111 years. Our motto "people helping people" is our foundation. Visitors welcome to our lodge and lounge.
Sandpoint Freecycle Sandpoint, Idaho Begun in 2006, the SandPoint Freecycle group is a branch of the international Freecycle movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free. Follow the link below to see or offer free items in Sandpoint (requires joining a Yahoo group).
Sandpoint Lions Club 609 S. Ella Avenue, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Local chapter of the international service organization. Sponsor of the annual Toys for Tots campaign, Fourth of July celebration and other community works. New members welcome.
Sandpoint Senior Center, Inc. 820 Main Street, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 SASi provides all senior citizens over the age of 50 years with nutritional meals and serves as a gathering place and informational site for social, recreational and wellness programs. Public invited!
SPOT bus Sandpoint, Idaho SPOT is the FREE local bus, with routes and stops in Sandpoint, Dover, Ponderay, Kootenai and a Schweitzer connection. Buses circle two routes every hour; check the website for route maps and schedules. Then get on the SPOT!
Survivors Rescue :: The Horse Rescuer 34101 Highway 200, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 We are an all-breed equine rescue, research and rehabilitation sanctuary based Sandpoint, helping to save abandoned, abused or neglected horses regionally. We're 100% volunteer operated and funded solely by donations.
The Equinox Foundation P.O. Box 1554, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Our mission is to protect the natural assets of this region and to support ecologically sustainable solutions for growth and development.
Veterans of Foreign Wars 1325 Pine Street, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Sandpoint's chapter of the national VFW is dedicated to providing America's service members with a wide range of free veteran and military family support programs and services.
Wishing Star Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 Working to grant wishes to local children with life threatening illnesses. Please click the Splash page and Website links below to learn more.